

new Abstract()


Abstract database model.


  • bookshelf.Model


parseFrom(source, properties, optionsopt) → {Model}


Parses data from the specified source into this record's columns.

// The following code:
record.parseFrom(data, [ 'name', 'siteUrl' ]);

// Is equivalent to:
if (data.hasOwnProperty('name')) {
  record.set('name', data.name);
if (data.hasOwnProperty('siteUrl')) {
  record.set('site_url', data.siteUrl);

// The following code:
record.parseFrom(data, [ 'street', 'zipCode' ], { columnPrefix: 'address_', sourcePrefix: 'address.' });

// Is equivalent to:
if (data.hasOwnProperty('address') && data.address.hasOwnProperty('street')) {
  record.set('address_street', data.address.street);
if (data.hasOwnProperty('address') && data.address.hasOwnProperty('zipCode')) {
  record.set('address_zip_code', data.address.zipCode);
Name Type Attributes Description
source object

Source object (typically the parsed JSON request body).

properties Array.<string>

Camel-cased properties of the source object to parse. The column names will correspond to the underscored names of the properties (e.g. zipCode => zip_code).

options object <optional>

Deserialization options.

Name Type Attributes Description
columnPrefix string <optional>

Prefix to prepend to column names. For example, if the prefix is address_ and one of the properties to parse is zipCode, the column in which the value is stored will be address_zip_code.

sourcePrefix string <optional>

Prefix to prepend to property names before extracting them from the source object. For example, if the prefix is address. and one of the properties to parse is zipCode, the zipCode property of the source's object address sub-object will be extracted.


This record.


serializeTo(target, properties, optionsopt) → {object}


Serializes columns of this record into the specified target object.

// The following code:
record.serializeTo(target, [ 'name', 'site_url' ]);

// Is equivalent to:
if (record.has('name')) {
  target.name = record.get('name');
if (record.has('site_url')) {
  target.siteUrl = record.get('site_url');

// The following code:
record.serializeTo(target, [ 'street', 'zip_code' ], { columnPrefix: 'address_', targetPrefix: 'address.' });

// Is equivalent to:
if (!target.hasOwnProperty('address')) {
  target.address = {};
if (record.has('address_street')) {
  target.address.street = record.get('address_street');
if (record.has('address_zip_code')) {
  target.address.zipCode = record.get('address_zip_code');
Name Type Attributes Description
target object

Target object to attach serialized properties to.

properties Array.<string>

Underscored column names of the record to serialize. The target property names will correspond to the camelized names of the columns (e.g. zip_code => zipCode).

options object <optional>

Serialization options.

Name Type Attributes Description
columnPrefix string <optional>

Prefix to prepend to the column names to serialize. For example, if the prefix is address and one of the columns to serialize is zip_code, the column from which the value is extracted will be address_zip_code.

targetPrefix string <optional>

Prefix to prepend to the property names of the target object. For example, if the target prefix is address. and one of the columns to serialize is zip_code, the zipCode property of the target object's address sub-object will be set to the value of the column.


The target object.
