# Using Mongoose with Express Learn how to implement advanced RESTful API operations in [Express][express] with [Mongoose][mongoose] (a [MongoDB][mongodb] Object-Document Mapper). This material is part of [web development courses](https://github.com/MediaComem/comem-webdev) for [Media Engineering](https://heig-vd.ch/formations/bachelor/filieres/ingenierie-des-medias). **You will need** * A running [MongoDB][mongodb] database * A running [Express][express] application with [Mongoose][mongoose] plugged in **Recommended reading** * [RESTful APIs](../rest/) * [RESTful API Conventions](../rest-conventions/) * [Express](../express/) * [Mongoose](../mongoose/) --- ## Demonstration RESTful API .breadcrumbs[
Using Mongoose with Express
] The examples in this tutorial are taken from a RESTful API developed to demonstrate how to implement REST concepts. You will find the [source code][demo] of this API and its [documentation][demo-doc] on GitHub. The API is also deployed on [Heroku][heroku] (follow the instructions in the documentation to try it). You should read about the [resources][demo-res] that you can manipulate with this API before moving on. --- class: center, middle ## Filtering .breadcrumbs[
Using Mongoose with Express
How do I get only the right stuff? --- ### Limiting collections .breadcrumbs[
Using Mongoose with Express
] Often when clients make requests on a RESTful API's **collection** resource, they don't need the whole thing; they need **only the items they are interested in** for the current view. For example, you might want to display: * The list of movies directed by someone * The list of movies with a rating greater than or equal to 8 * The list of movies directed by either of your two favorite directors --- ### Simple filters .breadcrumbs[
Using Mongoose with Express
] Express gives you access to **URL query parameters** in `req.query`, and Mongoose offers a chainable **query builder**; they're very easy to plug together: ```js // GET /api/movies router.get('/', function(req, res, next) { let `query` = Movie.find(); // Filter movies by director if (ObjectId.isValid(req.query.director)) { `query = query.where('director').equals(req.query.director)`; } // Limit movies to only those with a good enough rating if (!isNaN(req.query.ratedAtLeast)) { `query = query.where('rating').gte(req.query.ratedAtLeast)`; } // Execute the query `query.exec`(function(err, movies) { if (err) { return next(err); } res.send(movies); }); }); ``` --- ### Dynamic filters .breadcrumbs[
Using Mongoose with Express
] What about our director filter? Can we make it work for **multiple directors** as well? Yes we can: ```js // GET /api/movies router.get('/', function(req, res, next) { let `query` = Movie.find(); // Filter movies by director if (`Array.isArray(req.query.director)`) { // Find all movies directed by any of the specified directors const directors = req.query.director.filter(ObjectId.isValid); `query = query.where('director').in(directors)`; } else if (ObjectId.isValid(req.query.director)) { // Find all movies directed by a specific person `query = query.where('director').equals(req.query.director)`; } // ... }); ``` --- class: center, middle ## Pagination .breadcrumbs[
Using Mongoose with Express
How do I get a reasonable amount of stuff? --- ### Paginating collections .breadcrumbs[
Using Mongoose with Express
] Some collections are just **too large to send** to the client in their entirety. The following examples will demonstrate two ways implement **pagination** to retrieve only one "page" of a collection at a time. The following examples assume that you have read [RESTful API Conventions](../rest-conventions/) which explains different ways to expose pagination in a RESTful API. --- ### Using query parameters to select a page .breadcrumbs[
Using Mongoose with Express
] In principle, pagination is a **specialized filter**. The client uses **URL query parameters** to tell the server which chunk of the collection it wants. Implementing a `page` and `pageSize` parameters with Express and Mongoose is quite straightforward: ```js router.get('/', function(req, res, next) { let query = Movie.find(); // Parse the "page" param (default to 1 if invalid) let page = parseInt(`req.query.page`, 10); if (isNaN(page) || page < 1) { page = 1; } // Parse the "pageSize" param (default to 100 if invalid) let pageSize = parseInt(`req.query.pageSize`, 10); if (isNaN(pageSize) || pageSize < 0 || pageSize > 100) { pageSize = 100; } // Apply skip and limit to select the correct page of elements query = query`.skip((page - 1) * pageSize).limit(pageSize)`; // ... }); ``` --- ### Telling the client how to get more elements .breadcrumbs[
Using Mongoose with Express
] To include information about getting more elements in the response, you will need to know **how many elements there are in total**, either to give that information directly to the client or to build hyperlinks. You can do that easily using a Mongoose model's `count()` function: ```js router.get('/', function(req, res, next) { `Movie.find().count(function(err, total) {` if (err) { return next(err); } let query = Movie.find(); // Apply pagination here (code from previous example)... // Send response (including total/links) here... `})`; }); ``` --- ### Using the `Link` header (solution 1) .breadcrumbs[
Using Mongoose with Express
] The format is a bit convoluted, but other developers have already gone through the trouble for you. Use the [format-link-header][format-link-header] npm package: ```js const formatLinkHeader = require('format-link-headers'); `const links = {};` function buildLinkUrl(url, page, pageSize) { return url + '?page=' + page + '&pageSize=' + pageSize; } // Add "first" and "prev" links unless it's the first page if (page > 1) { `links.first` = { rel: 'first', url: buildLinkUrl(url, 1, pageSize) }; `links.prev` = { rel: 'prev', url: buildLinkUrl(url, page - 1, pageSize) }; } // Add "next" and "last" links unless it's the last page if (page < maxPage) { `links.next` = { rel: 'next', url: buildLinkUrl(url, page + 1, pageSize) }; `links.last` = { rel: 'last', url: buildLinkUrl(url, maxPage, pageSize) }; } if (Object.keys(links).length >= 1) { `res.set('Link', formatLinkHeader(links));` } ``` --- ### Using custom pagination headers (solution 2) .breadcrumbs[
Using Mongoose with Express
] To implement this solution, you simply have to set the headers before sending the response: ```js router.get('/', function(req, res, next) { Movie.find().count(function(err, `total`) { if (err) { return next(err); }; let query = Movie.find(); // Parse the "page" param (default to 1 if invalid) let `page` = parseInt(req.query.page, 10); if (isNaN(page) || page < 1) { /* ... */ } // Parse the "pageSize" param (default to 100 if invalid) let `pageSize` = parseInt(req.query.pageSize, 10); if (isNaN(pageSize) || pageSize < 0 || pageSize > 100) { /* ... */ } // Apply skip and limit to select the correct page of elements query = query.skip((page - 1) * pageSize).limit(pageSize); `res.set('Pagination-Page', page);` `res.set('Pagination-PageSize', pageSize);` `res.set('Pagination-Total', total);` // ... }); }); ``` --- ### Using a JSON envelope (solution 3) .breadcrumbs[
Using Mongoose with Express
] Instead of setting headers, you simply have to build and pass your envelope to `res.send()`: ```js router.get('/', function(req, res, next) { Movie.find().count(function(err, `total`) { if (err) { return next(err); }; let query = Movie.find(); // Parse query parameters and apply pagination here... query.exec(function(err, `movies`) { if (err) { return next(err); } // Send JSON envelope with data * res.send({ * page: page, * pageSize: pageSize, * total: total, * data: movies * }); }); }); }); ``` --- class: center, middle ## Aggregation .breadcrumbs[
Using Mongoose with Express
--- ### Aggregation example .breadcrumbs[
Using Mongoose with Express
] Let's say that when we retrieve **People** from the API, we also want to know **how many movies they have directed**. In SQL, assuming People and Movies are in **different tables**, you would use a **JOIN** and a **GROUP BY** to get that information: ```sql SELECT people.*, SUM(movies.id) AS directed_movies_count FROM `people INNER JOIN movies` ON (people.id = movies.director_id) `GROUP BY` people.id; ``` --- #### No join in MongoDB .breadcrumbs[
Using Mongoose with Express
Aggregation example
] However, there is **no JOIN** in MongoDB. If your related documents (People and Movies) are stored in two **separate collections** (as is the case in the demonstration RESTful API), there is **no way to retrieve that information in ONE query**.
But what you can do is: * Find the People you need (using `Person.find()`) * Count how many movies they have directed in one query using [MongoDB aggregations][mongodb-aggregation] --- ### Aggregation pipeline .breadcrumbs[
Using Mongoose with Express
] The preferred MongoDB aggregation method is the [aggregation pipeline][mongodb-aggregation-pipeline]: documents go through a multi-stage pipeline where **each stage transforms the collection of documents** into **aggregated results**. Mongoose models have an `aggregate()` function you can call with an **array of stages** to apply: ```js Movie.`aggregate`([ stage1, stage2, stage3 ]); ``` Each **stage** is an object with an [aggregation pipeline operator][mongodb-aggregation-pipeline-operators]: ```js { `$match`: { director: { $in: [ 'abc', 'def', 'ghi' ] } } } ``` --- ### Aggregation pipeline example .breadcrumbs[
Using Mongoose with Express
] Let's say you have retrieved a list of Person documents from the database, and you want to know how many Movies they have directed: ```js const people = [ /* List of Person documents from the database */ ]; // Get the documents' IDs const personIds = people.map(person => person._id); Movie.`aggregate`([ { `$match`: { // Select movies directed by the people we are interested in director: { $in: personIds } } }, { `$group`: { // Group the documents by director ID _id: '$director', moviesCount: { // Count the number of movies for that ID $sum: 1 } } } ], function(err, results) { // Use the results... }); ``` --- #### How does it work? .breadcrumbs[
Using Mongoose with Express
Aggregation pipeline example
--- #### Adding the aggregation results to the response .breadcrumbs[
Using Mongoose with Express
Aggregation pipeline example
] That's all well and good, but you still have two separate sets of data: * The People you have retrieved with the **first query** * The aggregated number of Movies you have retrieved with the **aggregation query** If you just do `res.send(people)`, you will get this: ```json [ { "name": "Renny Harlin" }, { "name": "Peter Jackson" } ] ``` What you want is this: ```json [ { "name": "Renny Harlin", "moviesCount": 1 }, { "name": "Peter Jackson", "moviesCount": 3 } ] ``` --- #### Combining the results .breadcrumbs[
Using Mongoose with Express
Aggregation pipeline example
] Here's how you can **combine** the array of People documents and the array of aggregated Movie counts: ```js const people = [ /* List of Person documents from the database */ ]; const results = [ /* Aggregation results */ ]; // Convert the Person documents to JSON const peopleJson = people.map(person => person.toJSON()); // For each result... results.forEach(function(result) { // Get the director ID (that was used to $group)... const resultId = result._id.toString(); // Find the corresponding person... const correspondingPerson = peopleJson.find(person => person.id == resultId); // And attach the new property correspondingPerson.directedMoviesCount = result.moviesCount; }); // Send the enriched response res.send(peopleJson); ``` --- ### Aggregation pipeline operators .breadcrumbs[
Using Mongoose with Express
] There are many operators you can use in pipeline aggregation stages. They are all described in [the documentation][mongodb-aggregation-pipeline-operators]. Here are some of the most useful: Operator | Description :--- | :--- `$group` | Groups documents by a specified identifier expression and applies the accumulator expression(s), if specified, to each group `$limit` | Passes the first *n* documents unmodified to the pipeline `$match` | Filters documents to allow only matching documents to pass unmodified into the next pipeline stage `$project` | Reshapes each document, such as by adding new fields or removing existing fields `$skip` | Skips the first *n* documents `$sort` | Reorders the documents by a specified sort key --- ## Resources .breadcrumbs[
Using Mongoose with Express
] **Documentation** * [MongoDB aggregation][mongodb-aggregation] [demo]: https://github.com/MediaComem/comem-webdev-express-rest-demo [demo-doc]: https://mediacomem.github.io/comem-webdev-express-rest-demo/ [demo-res]: https://github.com/MediaComem/comem-webdev-express-rest-demo#resources [express]: https://expressjs.com [format-link-header]: https://www.npmjs.com/package/format-link-header [heroku]: https://www.heroku.com [link-header-rels]: http://www.iana.org/assignments/link-relations/link-relations.xhtml [link-header-rfc]: https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5988 [mongodb]: https://www.mongodb.com [mongodb-aggregation]: https://docs.mongodb.com/manual/aggregation/ [mongodb-aggregation-pipeline]: https://docs.mongodb.com/manual/core/aggregation-pipeline/ [mongodb-aggregation-pipeline-operators]: https://docs.mongodb.com/manual/reference/operator/aggregation/ [mongoose]: http://mongoosejs.com