# Express Authentication Learn how to set up authentication with [JSON Web Tokens][jwt] an [Express][express] application. This material is part of [web development courses](https://github.com/MediaComem/comem-webdev) for [Media Engineering](https://heig-vd.ch/formations/bachelor/filieres/ingenierie-des-medias). **You will need** * A running [Express][express] application with [Mongoose][mongoose] plugged in **Recommended reading** * [Express](../express/) * [Mongoose](../mongoose/) --- ## Security concepts .breadcrumbs[
Express Authentication
] Process | Description :--- | :--- Identification | Occurs when a user claims to have a specific identity, for example by supplying a **username**. Authentication | The process of **proving an identity** by supplying appropriate credentials, such as a **password**, an **authentication token**, or by using a **public key** with asymmetric cryptography. Authorization | The process of **verifying that you have access to something**, such as a specific resource. For example, a user may have the right to edit their own posts in a social application, but not the posts of another user. In this presentation, we'll focus on setting up **authentication** with [bcrypt][bcrypt] and [JSON Web Tokens][jwt]. --- ## Storing passwords securely .breadcrumbs[
Express Authentication
] It's a bad idea to store your users' passwords in clear. If your database is compromised, not only will your application be compromised, but others may be as well if users have used the same passwords elsewhere. A better way is to use a [cryptographic hash function][hash]. --- ### What is a hash function? .breadcrumbs[
Express Authentication
Storing passwords securely
] .grid-50[ A [hash function][hash-function] maps **data of arbitrary size** to **data of a fixed size**. The value returned by a hash function is called a hash value, a **digest**, or simply a hash.
] .grid-50[
] --- ### Encryption vs. hashing .breadcrumbs[
Express Authentication
Storing passwords securely
] .grid-50[
] .grid-50[
] --- ### Cryptographic hash functions .breadcrumbs[
Express Authentication
Storing passwords securely
] .grid-40[ A [cryptographic hash function][hash] is a [hash function][hash-non-crypto] that has the following properties: * The same message always results in the same hash (**deterministic**). * **Computing** the hash value of any message **is quick**. ] .grid-60[
] .container[ * It is infeasible to generate a message from its hash value except by trying all possible messages (**one-way**). * A small change to a message should change the hash value so extensively that the new hash value appears uncorrelated with the old hash value. * It is infeasible to find two different messages with the same hash value (collisions). ] --- class: center, middle ## bcrypt .breadcrumbs[
Express Authentication
] An adaptive password hashing function. --- ### Using bcrypt to hash a password .breadcrumbs[
Express Authentication
] The npm `bcrypt` package provides an implementation of bcrypt. Simply use its `hash` function to generate a bcrypt hash from a password. ```js const bcrypt = require('bcrypt'); const plainPassword = 'changeme'; const saltRounds = 10; bcrypt.hash(plainPassword, saltRounds, function(err, hashedPassword) { // Store the hashed password in your database. }); ``` > Creating a password hash is a costly operation, especially if the cost factor of the bcrypt algorithm is high (more than 10). > Do not use the synchronous methods provided by the `bcrypt` package (e.g. `hashSync`), > as they will block execution of your application until they are done. --- #### Using bcrypt with Express and Mongoose .breadcrumbs[
Express Authentication
Using bcrypt to hash a password
] Here's an example of how to use bcrypt in an Express application using Mongoose for database access. ```js const bcrypt = require('bcrypt'); const User = require('../models/user'); router.post('/', function(req, res, next) { const plainPassword = req.body.password; const saltRounds = 10; * bcrypt.hash(plainPassword, saltRounds, function(err, hashedPassword) { if (err) { return next(err); } const newUser = new User(req.body); `newUser.password = hashedPassword;` newUser.save(function(err, savedUser) { if (err) { return next(err); } res.send(savedUser); }); * }); }); ``` --- #### Hiding the password hash from API responses .breadcrumbs[
Express Authentication
Using bcrypt to hash a password
] You don't want your API users to view the password hash. Here's one way to hide it with Mongoose: ```js const userSchema = new Schema({ // ... password: { type: String, required: true } }); *userSchema.set('toJSON', { * transform: transformJsonUser *}); function transformJsonUser(doc, json, options) { * // Remove the hashed password from the generated JSON. * delete json.password; return json; } ``` --- ### Using bcrypt to verify a password .breadcrumbs[
Express Authentication
] The `compare` function takes the following arguments: * The **plain password** to check. * The **hashed password** from your database. The asynchronous callback will be called with **a boolean indicating whether the password matches**. ```js `bcrypt.compare(plainPassword, hashedPassword`, function(err, `valid`) { // Handle error and password validity... }); ``` --- #### Verifying a password with Express and Mongoose .breadcrumbs[
Express Authentication
Using bcrypt to verify a password
] Here's a password verification example for a hypothetical login route in an Express application using Mongoose: ```js const bcrypt = require('bcrypt'); const User = require('../models/user'); router.post('/login', function(req, res, next) { `User.findOne`({ name: req.body.name }).exec(function(err, user) { if (err) { return next(err); } else if (!user) { return res.sendStatus(401); } `bcrypt.compare(req.body.password, user.password`, function(err, valid) { if (err) { return next(err); } else if (!valid) { return res.sendStatus(401); } // Login is valid... res.send(\`Welcome ${user.name}!`); }); }) }); ``` --- class: center, middle ## Authentication tokens .breadcrumbs[
Express Authentication
] --- ### What is an authentication token? .breadcrumbs[
Express Authentication
Authentication tokens
] An authentication token allows a user to authenticate to a server without sending his or her credentials at every request. It is an alternative to cookies, with the following advantages: * Tokens are **stateless**. A token contains all the information it needs for authentication, freeing your server from managing sessions. * Tokens can be **generated from anywhere**, allowing you the option to handle the signing and verification of tokens on different servers. * **Fine-grained access control**. The token payload can contain specific user roles and permissions. --- ### JSON Web Token (JWT) .breadcrumbs[
Express Authentication
Authentication tokens
] A JSON Web Token is a special format for authentication tokens:
--- #### What's in a JWT? .breadcrumbs[
Express Authentication
Authentication tokens
JSON Web Token (JWT)
] A JWT contains: * A header indicating the **hashing algorithm** and other JWT configuration properties. * A **payload** containing the **authentication claims**, i.e. who is the authenticated user. * A **signature** which is a [HMAC][hmac] of the previous 2 parts of the token, based on a **secret** known only by the server. Since the signature is tied to the contents of the token, and HMAC uses cryptographic hash functions which are not reversible: * An attacker cannot create a valid JWT token unless he knows the secret. * Nor can he modify an existing token while keeping the signature valid. --- #### JWT claims .breadcrumbs[
Express Authentication
Authentication tokens
JSON Web Token (JWT)
] The properties of the payload should be [**registered claims**][jwt-claims]. These are some of the most common claims (all are optional): Claim | Description :--- | :--- `iss` | Issuer `sub` | Subject (e.g. the ID of the authenticated user) `aud` | Audience `exp` | Expiration time (UNIX timestamp) `nbf` | Not before `iat` | Issued at For example, a very simple token might only contain `sub` to indicate the authenticated user, and `exp` for an expiration date. > New claims should either be registered, or use a collision-resistant name such as a URL, e.g. `https://my-api.com/jwt/claims/custom`. --- #### JWT best practices .breadcrumbs[
Express Authentication
Authentication tokens
JSON Web Token (JWT)
] * **Keep it secret. Keep it safe.** The signing key should be treated like any other credentials and revealed only to services that absolutely need it. It should not be put under version control. * **Do not add sensitive data to the payload.** Tokens are signed to protect against manipulation and are easily decoded. Add the bare minimum number of claims to the payload for best performance and security. * **Give tokens an expiration.** Technically, once a token is signed, it is valid forever, unless the signing key is changed or expiration explicitly set. This could pose potential issues so have a strategy for expiring and/or revoking tokens. * **Embrace HTTPS.** Do not send tokens over non-HTTPS connections as those requests can be intercepted and tokens compromised. --- ### The `jsonwebtoken` package .breadcrumbs[
Express Authentication
Authentication tokens
] Generating a JWT is trivial with the `jsonwebtoken` npm package: ```js const jwt = require('jsonwebtoken'); // Retrieve the secret key from your configuration. const secretKey = process.env.SECRET_KEY || 'changeme'; // UNIX timstamp representing a date in 7 days. const exp = (new Date().getTime() + 7 * 24 * 3600 * 1000) / 1000; // Create and sign a token. *jwt.sign({ sub: 'userId42', exp: exp }, secretKey, function(err, token) { * // Use the signed token... *}); ``` Verifying it is just as easy: ```js const jwt = require('jsonwebtoken'); // Retrieve the secret key from your configuration. const secretKey = process.env.SECRET_KEY || 'changeme'; // Create and sign a token. *jwt.verify(token, secretKey, function(err, payload) { * // Use the signed token... *}); ``` --- class: center, middle ## Authentication flow .breadcrumbs[
Express Authentication
] How a typical API using JWTs for authentication could behave. --- #### Unauthorized client .breadcrumbs[
Express Authentication
Authentication flow
] On the first try, the user does not provide any authentication:
--- #### Login .breadcrumbs[
Express Authentication
Authentication flow
] Since the server indicated that authentication is missing, the user will send his or her credentials to obtain a new JWT:
--- #### Authenticated request .breadcrumbs[
Express Authentication
Authentication flow
] Now that the user is in possession of a valid JWT token, he or she can send it as a bearer token in the `Authorization` header to authenticate:
--- #### Full flow .breadcrumbs[
Express Authentication
Authentication flow
] This is a summary of the general principle: * The user sends his or her credentials to obtain a JWT. * The JWT is sent as authentication for all requests to protected resources.
--- class: center, middle ## Sample code .breadcrumbs[
Express Authentication
] A little help. --- ### Sample login route .breadcrumbs[
Express Authentication
Sample code
] ```js const bcrypt = require('bcrypt'); const jwt = require('jsonwebtoken'); const User = require('../models/user'); const secretKey = process.env.SECRET_KEY || 'changeme'; router.post('/login', function(req, res, next) { // Find the user by name. User.findOne({ name: req.body.name }).exec(function(err, `user`) { if (err) { return next(err); } else if (!user) { return res.sendStatus(401); } // Validate the password. bcrypt.compare(req.body.password, user.password, function(err, `valid`) { if (err) { return next(err); } else if (`!valid`) { return res.sendStatus(401); } // Generate a valid JWT which expires in 7 days. const exp = (new Date().getTime() + 7 * 24 * 3600 * 1000) / 1000; const claims = { sub: `user._id.toString()`, exp: exp }; jwt.sign(claims, secretKey, function(err, token) { if (err) { return next(err); } res.send({ token: token }); // Send the token to the client. }); }); }) }); ``` --- ### Sample Express JWT authentication middleware .breadcrumbs[
Express Authentication
Sample code
] ```js const User = require('../models/user'); const secretKey = process.env.SECRET_KEY || 'changeme'; function authenticate(req, res, next) { // Ensure the header is present. const authorization = req.get('Authorization'); if (!authorization) { return res.status(401).send('Authorization header is missing'); } // Check that the header has the correct format. const match = authorization.match(/^Bearer (.+)$/); if (!match) { return res.status(401).send('Authorization header is not a bearer token'); } // Extract and verify the JWT. const token = match[1]; jwt.verify(token, secretKey, function(err, payload) { if (err) { return res.status(401).send('Your token is invalid or has expired'); } else { req.currentUserId = payload.sub; next(); // Pass the ID of the authenticated user to the next middleware. } }); } ``` --- #### Using the authentication middleware .breadcrumbs[
Express Authentication
Sample code
Sample Express JWT authentication middleware
] The previous middleware can simply be plugged into routes which require authentication: ```js router.post('/things', `authenticate`, function(req, res, next) { // If we reach this function, the previous authentication middleware // has done its job, i.e. a valid JWT was in the Authorization header. const currentUserId = req.currentUserId; // Do what needs to be done... }); ``` > If you need the whole user object, you can always find it from the ID with `User.findById` or `User.findOne`. --- #### Performing authorization .breadcrumbs[
Express Authentication
Sample code
Sample Express JWT authentication middleware
] Even once you have made sure the user is **authenticated**, your job is not necessarily done. You may still have to check whether the user is **authorized** to perform the action. For example, let's assume a user can only modify the things he or she created. Here's an example of how you could check that: ```js router.post('/things/:id', `authenticate`, function(req, res, next) { // Get the thing. Thing.findById(req.params.id).exec(function(err, thing) { if (err) { return next(err); } // Check authorization: was this thing created by the authenticated // user (good), or by another user (bad)? if (`req.currentUserId !== thing.user.toString()`) { return res.status(403).send('Please mind your own things.') } // Do what needs to be done... }); }); ``` --- ## References .breadcrumbs[
Express Authentication
] * [Token-based authentication made easy](https://auth0.com/learn/token-based-authentication-made-easy/) * [JWT introduction](https://jwt.io/introduction/) * [We’re under attack! 23+ Node.js security best practices](https://medium.com/@nodepractices/were-under-attack-23-node-js-security-best-practices-e33c146cb87d) --- ## TODO .breadcrumbs[
Express Authentication
] * Hash with salts * bcrypt cost factor * PBKDF2 alternative [bcrypt]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bcrypt [express]: https://expressjs.com [hash]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cryptographic_hash_function [hash-function]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hash_function [hash-non-crypto]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hash_function [hmac]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HMAC [jwt]: https://jwt.io [jwt-claims]: https://www.iana.org/assignments/jwt/jwt.xhtml [mongoose]: https://mongoosejs.com [salt]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Salt_(cryptography)