# Angular Leaflet Learn the basics of using the angular-leaflet directive in your project, to display and manipulate maps. This material is part of [web development courses](https://github.com/MediaComem/comem-webdev) for [Media Engineering](https://heig-vd.ch/formations/bachelor/filieres/ingenierie-des-medias). **You will need** * [Google Chrome][chrome] (recommended, any browser with developer tools will do) * [Sublime Text][sublime] (recommended, any code editor will do... **except Notepad**) **Recommended reading** * [Angular][ng] --- ## Introduction .breadcrumbs[
Angular Leaflet
] [Leaflet][leaflet] is a JavaScript library that provides an API for creating, displaying and manipulating maps in applications. It's not usable as-is in an angular project, because it does not follow the "*Angular Way*". Thus, you'll need to use a community created angular directive that embeds Leaflet: the [angular-leaflet-directive][ngld]. --- ## Download the requisites .breadcrumbs[
Angular Leaflet
] Even if you won't use it directly, you'll need to download the Leaflet library, since angular-leaflet relies on it. To do this, use [any methods proposed by Leaflet][leaflet-dl]. > We recommand that you download the latest Leaflet version. You'll get a `leaflet.zip` file, that you'll need to unzip in your project. Do this in a `leaflet` directory, directly under your `assets` directory. Once it's done, you'll then need to include both the `leaflet.js` and `leaflet.css` files in your `index.html` file: ```html
``` ```html ``` --- ## Include the directive .breadcrumbs[
Angular Leaflet
] You'll then need to download and include the files for the `angular-leaflet` directive. To get the `.js` file, go to the GitHub repository, or download it from [there][ngld-dl]. Either way, you should place it in your `assets/js` directoty. Then, don't forget to add the file in your `index.html` file Be sure to add it **after the inclusion of both `angular` and `leaflet`!** ```html ``` Finally, add the dependence in your app's dependencies. ```js angular.module('app', [ // Previous dependencies 'leaflet-directive'` ]); ``` --- class: center, middle ## Documentation .breadcrumbs[
Angular Leaflet
] **BEWARE!** The documentation for `angular-leaflet-directive` is... [lacking][ngld-doc], to say the least. This is a library that you'll need to learn by trying things and deciphering examples ([which are aplenty][ngld-ex]). We will sometimes redirect you to the [Leaflet Documentation][leaflet-doc], but know that you won't be able to use it as-is with `angular-leaflet-directive`... > **You've been warned.** --- ## Include the map .breadcrumbs[
Angular Leaflet
] The `leaflet-directive` is, as its name implies, an angular directive that uses Leaflet to show the map on your page. This directive is named `
`, and accepts a bunch of attributes that will modify or extend its behavior (*you'll need a controller for that*). The easiest way of showing a map is to just add the directive, adding it some `width` and `height`, either with CSS or HTML attributes: ```html
``` > The displayed map will have basics behavior: * Open Street Map baselayer * Zoom, with: * +/- buttons controls * double-click * mouse scroll * Paning (drag'n'drop) --- ## Change default behavior .breadcrumbs[
Angular Leaflet
] > In the following examples, the controller for the directive has a `map` alias. To change some default behavior of the map, create an object on your controller with the desired changes (**all are optionals**): ```js map.defaults = { doubleClickZoom: false, // disable the double-click zoom scrollWheelZoom: false, // disable zooming with the scroll dragging: false, // disable moving the map with dragging it with the mouse minZoom: 10, // Limit the minimal zoom maxZoom: 16, // Limit the maximal zoom ... } ``` > You can try some of the options [here][map-options] Then bind this object to the `defaults` attribute of the directive: ```html
``` --- ## Center the map .breadcrumbs[
Angular Leaflet
] You can change the default center and zoom of the displayed map. In the controller, you'll need to declare an object like this one: ```js map.center = { // These are the coordinates for the center of Yverdon-les-Bains lat: 46.778474, lng: 6.641183, zoom: 15 // This one is actually optional } ``` > By default, `angular-leaflet` uses **latitude and longitude coordinates**. Then, bind this `map.center` object to the `lf-center` attribute of the directive: ```html
``` --- ## Add markers .breadcrumbs[
Angular Leaflet
] To add some markers on your map, declare an array of marker objects. Each marker object needs, at minimum, `lat` and `lng` properties: ```js map.markers = [ { lat: 46.781547, lng: 6.640351 }, { lat: 46.781058, lng: 6.647179 }, { lat: 46.778246, lng: 6.641490 } ] ``` Then, bind this array to the `markers` attribute of the directive: ```html
``` > You can add new marker objects in this `map.markers` array at anytime; they will be dynamically added to the map. --- ### Fix the default marker .breadcrumbs[
Angular Leaflet
Add markers
] When writing this subject, we stumble upon a bug where **the default icons where not showing**. **If this happens to you**, copy/paste this code **before the definition** of your `map.markers`... ```js var defaultIcon = { iconUrl: "assets/leaflet/images/marker-icon.png", shadowUrl: "assets/leaflet/images/marker-shadow.png", iconSize: [25, 41], iconAnchor: [12, 41], popupAnchor: [1, -34], tooltipAnchor: [16, -28], shadowSize: [41, 41] } ``` ...then, add this property to all your markers: ```js { ... icon: defaultIcon } ``` > We will see in more details what this do --- ### Personalize the markers icon .breadcrumbs[
Angular Leaflet
Add markers
] You can use your own marker icons in your map. For that, you can define an Icon object in your controller, listing the properties of your custom icon: ```js var myIcon = { iconUrl: "images/myIcon.png", // The only one that's required iconSize: [38, 95], // [X, Y], in pixels iconAnchor: [22, 95], // The point that will match the coordinates shadowUrl: "images/myIconShadow.png", // if your icon has a shadow shadowSize: [50, 64], // see iconSize shadowAnchor: [5, 64] // see iconAnchor }; ``` > The list of all the properties for this object can be found [here][doc-icon] Then, reference this object in your marker object, using the `icon` property: ```js map.markers = [ // Previous markers { lat: 46.779244, lng: 6.659402, `icon: myIcon` } ] ``` --- ### Draggable Markers .breadcrumbs[
Angular Leaflet
Add markers
] To make your marker movable on the map, add the `draggable` property: ```js map.markers = [ // Previous markers { lat: 46.779244, lng: 6.659402, icon: myIcon, `draggable: true` } ] ``` > Moving the marker will update its `lat` and `lng` properties' value To react to the marker being moved, you can attach a listener to your controller's `$scope`: ```js $scope.$on('leafletDirectiveMarker.dragend', function(event, args) { console.log(args.model); // Will give you the updated marker object }); ``` > Remember to add `$scope` to your controller's dependencies --- ## Events .breadcrumbs[
Angular Leaflet
] Leaflet provides a quite extensive list of events to react to. > By default, all fired events are logged in the console. That's convenient to find the name of the event to which we want to react. To react to one event, add a listener to your controller's `$scope` with the `.$on()` method: ```js $scope.$on('eventName', function(event, args) { // Do something }); ``` Here a list of the more perrtinent events: * `leafletDirectiveMarker.dragend`: the user stops dragging a marker. Use `args.model` to access the updated marker. * `leafletDirectiveMarker.click`: the user clicked on a marker. Use `args.model` to access the clicked marker. * `leafletDirectiveMap.click`: the user clicked somewhere on the map. Use the `args.leafletEvent.latlng` object to access the coordinates of the clicked point. --- class: center, middle ## Complete example .breadcrumbs[
Angular Leaflet
] You will found the complete example with all the features presented in this subject in [this GitHub repository][complete-example]. [ng]: ../angular [chrome]: https://www.google.com/chrome/ [sublime]: https://www.sublimetext.com/ [leaflet]: http://leafletjs.com/ [ngld]: http://tombatossals.github.io/angular-leaflet-directive/#!/ [leaflet-dl]: http://leafletjs.com/download.html [ngld-dl]: https://github.com/MediaComem/webdev-masrad_angular-leaflet-demo/blob/master/assets/js/angular-leaflet-directive.min.js [ngld-doc]: https://github.com/tombatossals/angular-leaflet-directive/tree/master/doc [ngld-ex]: http://tombatossals.github.io/angular-leaflet-directive/examples/0000-viewer.html#/basic/first-example [leaflet-doc]: http://leafletjs.com/reference-1.0.3.html [map-options]: https://github.com/tombatossals/angular-leaflet-directive/blob/master/doc/defaults-attribute.md [doc-icon]: http://leafletjs.com/reference.html#icon-options [complete-example]: https://github.com/MediaComem/webdev-masrad_angular-leaflet-demo