# Angular Geolocation Learn to use the Geolocation API in an Angular app. This material is part of [web development courses](https://github.com/MediaComem/comem-webdev) for [Media Engineering](https://heig-vd.ch/formations/bachelor/filieres/ingenierie-des-medias). **You will need** * [Google Chrome][chrome] (recommended, any browser with developer tools will do) * [Sublime Text][sublime] (recommended, any code editor will do... **except Notepad**) **Recommended reading** * [Angular][ng] --- ## Introduction .breadcrumbs[
Angular Geolocation
] Web Browser provides an [Geolocation API][geoapi-doc] that allow developers to access the geolocation of their users. But, as usual, it's not advised to use this API directly inside an Angular App ; you need a service that wraps this API to be complient with Angular. We'll use [ngGeolocation][ngloc]. To include it in your project, download the `.js` file [here][ngloc-file] and save it somewhere in your project. Include the file in your `index.html`, and the module in your app's dependencies: ```html ``` ```js angular.module('app', [..., `'ngGeolocation'`]); ``` --- class: middle ## Use the API .breadcrumbs[
Angular Geolocation
] You'll need to add the `$geolocation` service as a depency to the controller in which you want to access the API. ```js angular.module("app").controller("myController", function (`$geolocation`) { // ... } ``` --- ### `.getCurrentPosition()` .breadcrumbs[
Angular Geolocation
Use the API
] Then, you can use the `.getCurrentPosition()` method to access the current user's position: > The user will be asked if he/she accepts to reveal it's location ```js angular.module("app").controller("myController", function ($geolocation) { // Previous code $geolocation.getCurrentPosition() .then(function (position) { // This will be executed when the location is accessed console.log(position) }, function (error) { // This will be executed if the user denies access // or the browser doesn't support the Geolocation API console.log(error); }) } ``` > Getting the location is an **asynchronous** operation. Use `position.coords.latitude` and `position.coords.longitude` to actually get the position's coordinates --- ### `.watchPosition()` .breadcrumbs[
Angular Geolocation
Use the API
] You could want to access the user location on a regular bassis. To do this, you mustn't call the `.getCurrentLocation()` each time. You'll use the `.watchPosition()` method. ```js angular.module("app").controller("myController", function ($geolocation) { // Previous code `$geolocation.watchPosition()`; } ``` This method will get the user's location regularly and store the result in the `$geolocation.position` property. > Getting the location is still an **asynchronous** operation. > > Meaning, that if you'd try to access `$geolocation.position` right after calling the method, you'll get an `undefined`. Delete the watch using the `$geolocation.clearWatch()` method. --- #### `$geolocation.position` .breadcrumbs[
Angular Geolocation
Use the API
] If the position can be accessed, `$geolocation.position` will have a Position object. With it, your can access `$geolocation.position.coords.latitude` and `$geolocation.position.coords.longitude` for the coordinates. When `.watchPosition()` detects a new position, it fires an event, called `$geolocation.position.changed` to which you can listen. ---- If something went wrong and the position could not be accessed, `$geolocation.position` will contain and Error object. To know the reason of the error, access the `$geolocation.position.error.message`. When `.watchPosition()` detects and error, it fires an event, called `$geolocation.position.error` to which you can listen. --- ## Resources .breadcrumbs[
Angular Geolocation
] **Documentation** * [ngGeolocation - Documentation][ngloc-doc] [ng]: ../angular [chrome]: https://www.google.com/chrome/ [sublime]: https://www.sublimetext.com/ [geoapi-doc]: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Geolocation/Using_geolocation [ngloc]: https://github.com/ninjatronic/ngGeolocation [ngloc-file]: https://github.com/ninjatronic/ngGeolocation/blob/master/ngGeolocation.min.js [ngloc-doc]: https://github.com/ninjatronic/ngGeolocation/wiki/API-Reference