` on the page. You can pass the options to this map by binding an object to the `leafletOptions` directive:
The `leaflet` directive instructs the `ngx-leaflet` library to create a map in this DOM element,
with our previously defined `mapOptions` bound through the `[leafletOptions]` directive.
The map will have no height by default,
so add the following to the component's stylesheet to make it visible:
.map {
height: 100%;
You should now have a working Leaflet map!
#### Troubleshooting
Leaflet with Angular >
Leaflet >
Displaying a map]
If you do **not** have a working Leaflet map, but instead have some kind of broken map like the one below, then you'll need to add a little bit of code to fix this issue.
> Note that this "issue" is [well](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/38832273/leafletjs-not-loading-all-tiles-until-moving-map) [known](https://github.com/Asymmetrik/ngx-leaflet/issues/104), but it's very hard to pinpoint what exactly causes it in your app.
In your page's class, add the following method:
onMapReady(map: Map) {
setTimeout(() => map.invalidateSize(), 0);
And in your page's template, trigger this new method with the `leafletMapReady` event:
### Markers
Leaflet with Angular >
Adding markers to the map is not very hard.
First, you need to create an icon configuration for the markers.
Do that by creating a file that exports this marker configuration. Let's call it, for example, `default-marker.ts` and add it this content:
import { Icon, IconOptions, icon } from "leaflet";
export const defaultIcon: Icon
= icon({
// This define the displayed icon size, in pixel
iconSize: [25, 41],
// This defines the pixel that should be placed right above the location
// If not provided, the image center will be used, and that could be awkward
iconAnchor: [13, 41],
// The path to the image to display. In this case, it's a Leaflet asset
iconUrl: "leaflet/marker-icon.png",
// The path to the image's shadow to display. Also a leaflet asset
shadowUrl: "leaflet/marker-shadow.png",
#### Define
.breadcrumbs[Leaflet with Angular > Leaflet > Markers]
Then, let's create some markers and add them to the component:
// Other imports...
// Import the file with the default icon configuration
import { `defaultIcon` } from 'path/to/default/icon/file';
import { latLng, MapOptions, `marker, Marker`, tileLayer } from 'leaflet';
// ...
export class ExamplePage {
// ...
* mapMarkers: Marker[];
constructor(/* ... */) {
// ...
* this.mapMarkers = [
* marker([ 46.778186, 6.641524 ], { icon: defaultIcon }),
* marker([ 46.780796, 6.647395 ], { icon: defaultIcon }),
* marker([ 46.784992, 6.652267 ], { icon: defaultIcon })
* ];
#### Adding the markers to the map
.breadcrumbs[Leaflet with Angular > Leaflet > Markers]
Now all you need to do is bind the array of markers you just defined to the `leaflet` directive in the component's template with `[leafletLayers]`:
#### Adding a tooltip to a marker
.breadcrumbs[Leaflet with Angular > Leaflet > Markers]
The markers you created in the `mapMarkers` array in the component are regular Leaflet [Marker][leaflet-marker] objects.
Check out the Leaflet documentation to see what you can do with them.
For example, you could add a [Tooltip][leaflet-tooltip]:
this.mapMarkers = [
marker([46.778186, 6.641524])`.bindTooltip('Hello')`,
marker([46.780796, 6.647395]),
marker([46.784992, 6.652267]),
### Getting a reference to the map
.breadcrumbs[Leaflet with Angular > Leaflet]
You might need to get direct access to the Leaflet [Map][leaflet-map] object to register events or whatever.
The `leaflet` directive will emit a `leafletMapReady` event when it's done initializing the map.
You can bind to this event to retrieve the map object created by Leaflet:
Now all you need to do is retrieve the map in your component:
// Other imports...
import { latLng, `Map`, MapOptions, marker, Marker, tileLayer } from 'leaflet';
// ...
export class ExamplePage {
* map: Map;
// ...
* onMapReady(map: Map) {
* this.map = map;
* }
### Listening to map events
.breadcrumbs[Leaflet with Angular > Leaflet]
You got a hold of the Leaflet [Map][leaflet-map] instance with the previous example,
so you have access to [all its events][leaflet-map-events].
For example, you could listen to its `moveend` event to check the new coordinates every time the user moves the map:
// ...
export class ExamplePage {
// ...
onMapReady(map: Map) {
this.map = map;
* this.map.on('moveend', () => {
* const center = this.map.getCenter();
* console.log(\`Map moved to ${center.lng}, ${center.lat}`);
* });
### Resources
.breadcrumbs[Leaflet with Angular > Leaflet]
- [Ionic documentation][ionic-docs]
- [Leaflet][leaflet] & [ngx-leaflet][ngx-leaflet]
[cordova]: https://cordova.apache.org
[cordova-camera]: https://github.com/apache/cordova-plugin-camera
[cordova-geolocation]: https://github.com/apache/cordova-plugin-geolocation
[definitely-typed]: http://definitelytyped.org
[ionic]: http://ionicframework.com
[ionic-docs]: https://ionicframework.com/docs/
[ionic-native-camera]: https://ionicframework.com/docs/native/camera/
[ionic-native-geolocation]: https://ionicframework.com/docs/native/geolocation/
[html-geolocation]: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Geolocation/Using_geolocation
[leaflet]: http://leafletjs.com
[leaflet-map]: http://leafletjs.com/reference-1.3.0.html#map-example
[leaflet-map-events]: http://leafletjs.com/reference-1.3.0.html#map-event
[leaflet-marker]: http://leafletjs.com/reference-1.3.0.html#marker
[leaflet-tooltip]: http://leafletjs.com/reference-1.3.0.html#tooltip
[ngx-leaflet]: https://github.com/Asymmetrik/ngx-leaflet#readme