` tags and everything inbetween by:
Hello {{ greeting }}
Add a `greeting` property to the `HomePage` component in the `home.page.ts` file, and add Angular's `FormsModule` to its `imports` array:
@Component({ /* ... */, imports: [ FormsModule ] })
export class HomePage {
`greeting: string;`
#### Updating the component
.breadcrumbs[Angular Forms > Forms > Creating a form]
Let's now make it so that the greeting will only be displayed if submitted through the form.
We need to add a separate property to our component:
- The `greeting` property will represent the internal value of the input field.
- The `displayedGreeting` property will represent the submitted value (which will no longer be bound to the input field).
We also need a new `displayGreeting()` method which will take the current value of `greeting` and copy it to `displayedGreeting`:
// ...
export class HomePage {
// ...
greeting: string;
* displayedGreeting: string;
// ...
* displayGreeting() {
* this.displayedGreeting = this.greeting;
* console.log('Greeting displayed');
* }
#### Listening to form submit events
.breadcrumbs[Angular Forms > Forms > Creating a form]
Update the component's template to reflect the fact that we now want to display `displayedGreeting` instead of `greeting`:
Hello {{ displayedGreeting }}
Bind the new `displayGreeting()` method to the form's `submit` event to make it work: