All files / config index.js

69.62% Statements 55/79
59.09% Branches 39/66
100% Functions 7/7
69.62% Lines 55/79
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// This file exports a configuration object that is used throughout the
// application to customize behavior. That object is built from environment
// variables, an optional configuration file, and from default values.
const _ = require('lodash');
const fs = require('fs');
const log4js = require('log4js');
const path = require('path');
const SUPPORTED_ENVIRONMENTS = [ 'development', 'production', 'test' ];
const pkg = require(path.join('..', 'package'));
const root = path.normalize(path.join(__dirname, '..'));
// Immutable configuration & utility functions
const fixedConfig = {
  logger: createLogger,
  root: root,
  version: pkg.version,
  path: joinProjectPath
// Configuration from environment variables
const configFromEnvironment = {
  bcryptCost: parseConfigInt(get('BCRYPT_COST')),
  cors: parseConfigBoolean(get('CORS')),
  db: get('DATABASE_URL') || buildDatabaseUrl(),
  docs: {
    browser: get('DOCS_BROWSER'),
    host: get('DOCS_HOST'),
    open: get('DOCS_OPEN'),
    port: get('DOCS_PORT')
  env: process.env.NODE_ENV,
  logLevel: get('LOG_LEVEL'),
  port: parseConfigInt(get('PORT')),
  sessionSecret: get('SESSION_SECRET')
// Configuration from a local file (`config/local.js` by default, or `$CONFIG`)
let configFromLocalFile = {};
const localConfigFile = path.resolve(root, get('CONFIG') || path.join('config', 'local.js'));
Iif (localConfigFile != joinProjectPath('config', 'local.js') && !fs.existsSync(localConfigFile)) {
  throw new Error(`No configuration file found at ${localConfigFile}`);
} else Eif (fs.existsSync(localConfigFile)) {
  const localConfig = require(localConfigFile);
  configFromLocalFile = _.pick(localConfig,
    'bcryptCost', 'cors', 'db',
    'docs.browser', '', '', 'docs.port',
    'env', 'logLevel', 'port', 'sessionSecret');
// Default configuration
const defaultConfig = {
  bcryptCost: 10,
  cors: false,
  db: 'postgres://localhost/biopocket',
  docs: {
    host: '',
    open: true,
    port: undefined
  env: 'development',
  logLevel: 'INFO',
  port: 3000
// Environment variables take precedence over the configuration file, and both
// take precedence over the default configuration.
const config = _.merge({}, defaultConfig, configFromLocalFile, configFromEnvironment, fixedConfig);
const logger = config.logger('config')
logger.debug(`Environment is ${config.env} (change with $NODE_ENV or config.env)`);
logger.debug(`bcrypt cost is ${config.bcryptCost} (change with $BCRYPT_COST or config.bcryptCost)`);
logger.debug(`Log level is ${logger.level} (change with $LOG_LEVEL or config.logLevel)`);
// Export the configuration
module.exports = config;
// Creates a named log4js logger with trace/debug/info/warn/error/fatal methods
// you can use to log messages concerning a specific component.
function createLogger(name) {
  const logger = log4js.getLogger(name);
  Eif (config.logLevel) {
    logger.level = config.logLevel.toUpperCase();
  return logger;
// Returns a path formed by appending the specified segments to the project's
// root directory.
//     config.path('foo', 'bar'); // => "/path/to/project/foo/bar"
function joinProjectPath(...segments) {
  return path.join(...([ root ].concat(segments)));
// Parses a string value as a boolean.
// * Returns the specified default value if the value is undefined.
// * To be considered `true`, a boolean string must be "1", "y", "yes", "t" or
//   "true" (case insensitive).
// * If the value is not a boolean, it will be considered `true` if "truthy".
function parseConfigBoolean(value, defaultValue) {
  Eif (value === undefined) {
    return defaultValue;
  } else if (!_.isString(value)) {
    return !!value;
  } else {
    return !!value.match(/^(1|y|yes|t|true)$/i);
// Parse a string value as an integer.
// * Returns the specified default value if the value is undefined.
function parseConfigInt(value, defaultValue) {
  if (value === undefined) {
    return defaultValue;
  const parsed = parseInt(value, 10);
  Iif (_.isNaN(parsed)) {
    throw new Error(value + ' is not a valid integer');
  return parsed;
// Constructs a PostgreSQL database URL from several environment variables:
// * `$DATABASE_HOST` - The host to connect to (defaults to `localhost`)
// * `$DATABASE_PORT` - The port to connect to on the host (none by default, will use PostgreSQL's default 5432 port)
// * `$DATABASE_NAME` - The name of the database to connect to (defaults to `biopocket`)
// * `$DATABASE_USERNAME` - The name of the PostgreSQL user to connect as (none by default)
// * `$DATABASE_PASSWORD` - The password to authenticate with (none by default)
// Returns undefined if none of the variables are set.
//     buildDatabaseUrl(); // => undefined
//     process.env.DATABASE_NAME = 'biopocket'
//     buildDatabaseUrl(); // => "postgres://localhost/biopocket"
//     process.env.DATABASE_HOST = ''
//     process.env.DATABASE_PORT = '1337'
//     process.env.DATABASE_NAME = 'thebiopocketdb'
//     process.env.DATABASE_USERNAME = 'jdoe'
//     process.env.DATABASE_PASSWORD = 'changeme'
//     buildDatabaseUrl(); // => "postgres://"
function buildDatabaseUrl() {
  const host = get('DATABASE_HOST');
  const port = get('DATABASE_PORT');
  const name = get('DATABASE_NAME');
  const username = get('DATABASE_USERNAME');
  const password = get('DATABASE_PASSWORD');
  Eif (host === undefined && port === undefined && name === undefined && username === undefined && password === undefined) {
    return undefined;
  let url = 'postgres://';
  // Add credentials (if any)
  if (username) {
    url += username;
    if (password) {
      url += `:${password}`;
    url += '@';
  // Add host and port
  url += `${host || 'localhost'}`;
  if (port) {
    url += `:${port}`;
  // Add database name
  url += `/${name || 'biopocket'}`;
  return url;
// Returns a variable from the environment.
// Given `"FOO"`, this function will look first in the `$FOO` environment
// variable and returns its value if found. Otherwise, it will look for the
// `$FOO_FILE` environment variable and, if found, will attempt to read the
// contents of the file pointed to by its value. Otherwise it will return
// undefined.
function get(varName) {
  if (_.has(process.env, varName)) {
    return process.env[varName];
  const fileVarName = `${varName}_FILE`;
  Eif (!_.has(process.env, fileVarName)) {
    return undefined;
  return fs.readFileSync(process.env[fileVarName], 'utf8').trim();
// Ensures all properties of the configuration are valid.
function validate(config) {
  Iif (!_.isInteger(config.bcryptCost) || config.bcryptCost < 1) {
    throw new Error(`Unsupported bcrypt cost "${config.bcryptCost}" (type ${typeof(config.bcryptCost)}); must be an integer greater than or equal to 1`);
  } else Iif (!_.isBoolean(config.cors)) {
    throw new Error(`Unsupported CORS value "${config.cors}" (type ${typeof(config.cors)}); must be a boolean`);
  } else Iif (!_.isString(config.db) || !config.db.match(/^postgres:\/\//)) {
    throw new Error(`Unsupported database URL "${config.db}" (type ${typeof(config.db)}); must be a string starting with "postgres://"`);
  } else Iif (!_.includes(SUPPORTED_ENVIRONMENTS, config.env)) {
    throw new Error(`Unsupported environment "${JSON.stringify(config.env)}"; must be one of: ${SUPPORTED_ENVIRONMENTS.join(', ')}`);
  } else Iif (!_.isString(config.logLevel) || !_.includes(SUPPORTED_LOG_LEVELS, config.logLevel.toUpperCase())) {
    throw new Error(`Unsupported log level "${config.logLevel}" (type ${typeof(config.logLevel)}); must be one of: ${SUPPORTED_LOG_LEVELS.join(', ')}`);
  } else Iif (!_.isInteger(config.port) || config.port < 1 || config.port > 65535) {
    throw new Error(`Unsupported port number "${config.port}" (type ${typeof(config.port)}); must be an integer between 1 and 65535`);
  } else Iif (!_.isString(config.sessionSecret) || config.sessionSecret == 'changeme') {
    throw new Error(`Unsupported session secret "${config.sessionSecret}" (type ${typeof(config.sessionSecret)}); must be a string different than "changeme"`);